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Reporting and reviewing clinical trials

Module information>

Academic Direction
àËÅöÊÓƵ School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Modes of Study

This module will cover writing up completed trials, including guidelines for authors (such as the CONSORT Statements for reporting), as well as guidelines for readers to aid their critical appraisal of trial reports.It is a core module for the Clinical Trials programme.

Since future policy, practice and further research will ideally be guided by the reports not merely of one trial but by the totality of the evidence, a major component of the module will be the role of systematic reviews; how to critically read a systematic review and explain the processes necessary to do a high quality review (including deciding whether a meta-analysis is appropriate).


15 [150 hours]


Unseen written examination (2hr 15). If you fail the module, you are allowed one further attempt at the examination.

For full information regarding this module please see the .