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Statutes and Ordinances

Our Statutes and Ordinances set out the rules, conduct and powers of the University. You can find all of the documentation relating to each below.

The University is changing its Statutes and Ordinances. In the meantime, please note the following which apply to the Ordinances and Regulations on the website: where reference is made to the Nominations Committee, this is now the Nominations and Governance Committee; where reference is made to the Director of Compliance and Secretary to the Board, this is now the University Secretary. Should you have any questions about particular Ordinances or Regulations, please email: secretariat@london.ac.uk.

Statutes - Currently Under Review

The Statutes set out the objects and powers of the University, and define the Statutory Officers, the Board of Trustees and the Collegiate Council. The Statutes may only be amended in accordance with the .  Any changes to the Statutes require the approval of the Privy Council. 

Statutes documentation

Ordinances - Currently Under Review

The Ordinances set out, in detail, the rules for the conduct of the university's business. Ordinances can be created or amended by the Board of Trustees.

Please see the update above about the recent governance review and consequential ongoing amendment of the Ordinances and Regulations.

Ordinance documentation