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Student Support fund

Supporting our students in times of crisis.

For nearly 200 years the àËÅöÊÓƵ has been breaking down barriers and providing an open place for education, study and research. Today, please help us continue our mission of access to all – and enable us to provide assistance for those in our student community who are in need.

Currently, the need for financial support for some of our students is urgent. We're seeing cases of students requiring financial assistance due to pressing situations, such as humanitarian crises caused by conflicts around the world. 

Our Student Support fund helps these students in need, and can often allow them to be able to continue their studies in the midst of some incredibly difficult circumstances. 

Transformational support

Your donations provide urgently needed and flexible assistance as part of the University's Student Support fund. This support ensures that students who find themselves in the most challenging situations, through no fault of their own, can continue with their àËÅöÊÓƵ education.

Help to support our current students

Be part of our long-standing history of access, scholarship and sanctuary by making a donation to our Student Support fund.

The initial impact was huge. I received the email and was happy that I would be able to finish my studies on time, thanks to this great assistance.
Osman, who received a grant from the Student Support fund